we love camping & quadding! you know how sometime your wife takes forever to get ready? this was one time it definiatly payed off. we always spend at least a week at davis lk, this was '09. our picnic table is under the gray mosq. tent

my buddy's trailer across from us

this happened just hours before we got there. ranger said it was like a tornado dropped on the lake. we passed a dodge with a crushed cab & an escort with the back half wiped off going out on a flatbed, another guy had his spine crushed when he got hit by a tree. around 1500 tree's this size came down.this is where we were camped

here's the table, driven 2 feet into the ground

where my buddy's trailer was parked

because we had a chainsaw & winch, we helped the rangers & other people clear a path to the other side of the lake where people were stranded