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Old 01-12-2013, 11:07 AM   #3
Hand Crafted C-10
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Re: zep parts cleaner queston

Good score! What you have is primarily a light grade of naphtha and, if you go to buy
it new, it's pretty pricey.

If you are going to try to get the water out of it, get it as cold as you can first.
In fact, I would try freezing a small amount to see if the solvent stays liquid while
the water turns to ice.

The MSDS for Zep’s Parts Washer Solvent is HERE.
Specs gleaned off the net:
Specific Gravity of the solvent is .79 vs. water at 1.0. As for the Specific Weight,
not sure about your exact solvent but gasoline (your solvent is probably just a
tad heavier than gasoline) is 42.5 lb/ft3 vs. water at 62.4 lb/ft3

Note that it is both a combustible liquid and the vapor is explosive, so safe storage
temperatures and handling is a must.
Also, there are some personal protections needed when working around it.

Again, congrats on the great score!

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