Originally Posted by Dinos63
randy ship the truck down to arizona its warm and hey i will fix the wipers  
I don't ever want to hear you mention the words rain.....snow....cold or too hot....I wanted to take the 58 out yesturday . Well i had it parked in my shop with out the heat on and the fricken air values froze and i couldn't lift it....I had to fire up the heat put fans under it......bla bla bla.....until i could get the thing to lift. But I did get it rolling and manage to launch it hard a couple of times. I left 60 feet of posi 14" wide a couple of times and dude that truck is fast......lol......and if that truck is going to arizona i am going with it....lol.
I haven't fixed the wipers on the 58 yet because I am working on my 66 low and go ......and am back on my 66 street truck.....and my buddies 53. I have to knock some of this stuff out so i can get back on my pro truck, thats the build all of my buddies want to help out on.....Then i have the entire field of dreams.....Dude i need to clone myself or get a elf to work in my shop while i sleep...