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Old 01-13-2013, 01:29 PM   #3
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Re: New vs. building old one

I too wanted to build a older vehicle and just drive it. I looked at both options and for me having a older vehicle and a new one just works. It has to work for you. I take long trips with the family. We go to Daytona, Ft. Lauderdale and pretty much all over the southeast on vacations and we drive those. Comfort, safety, fuel economy and reliablity are the main factors for me. The other thing is I can finance a $40k truck but I dont have $40k on hand to try to build a comparable older vehicle and that is what it would take cause I cannot do all the work. I'd have to have a crew cab 4x4 or Burb and to retrofit all the modern stuff would be expensive so I might as well buy a new one and drive worry free for 5 years 100k miles. You dont get that on a built older vehicle. So, like I said, the situation has to work for your needs cause everyones is different.
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