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Old 01-14-2013, 02:15 PM   #17
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Re: Hidden HORSEPOWER in Side Gapping your Spark Plugs?

Originally Posted by kelsfine69 View Post
That does work(flipping the air cleaner), proved it one night with a couple races, was a good couple car length difference, same night same trucks...
Depending on outside temperature, an open element air cleaner can actually be worse than the factory setup that has a tube that goes straight to the radiator support.

For example, on a 100 degree day with a 14x3 open element K&N filter, I installed a temperature probe inside the filter housing to measure the temperature of the incoming air. I did some stop and go driving the average temperature I saw was 180+ F. Not good.

Yes, the factory air cleaner is restrictive and there's no denying that, but by changing one thing you sometimes create another problem that slows you down.
1977 GMC Sierra Grande
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