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Old 01-15-2013, 12:55 PM   #1
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Posts: 18
Starting 250 after sitting a long time

I'm hoping to start my 67 250 this weekend that has been sitting for 3 years or so. I got it from my Dad, and he doesn't have any idea when the oil was last changed. Last weekend, I emptied the fuel tank and put a new carb on (the old one was physically broken, leading to it being parked), and made sure the engine would turn.

Before I try and start it, I'm thinking that I should change the oil, and probably drop the pan and clean it out. I don't have an oil priming tool, is there something I should do to get oil back up into the engine before I try and start it? Any other advice? I'm planning on keeping this engine in it at least a couple more years, so I'd prefer to not tear it up..
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