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Old 01-15-2013, 02:58 PM   #2
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Re: Best way to paint cluster

i couldnt get better than new results in my many attempts. i bought a new one from ebay for 35 bucks. the best results were black primer, scuff with red green scotchbrite,tape off silver areas, spray black part with a LIGHT coat of duplicolor rattle can bedliner( is durible, flat black and gives a pretty accurate texture. when that dries tape it off and i used a model car airbrush kit from hobby lobby and model plane chrome paint. several light coats of this then used scotchbrite again gently on silver areas after drying swirl pattern in round holes and straight lines on the straight. looks like brushed alum. when finished. then cleared the whole thing with rattle can flat clear. i actually sold this on ebay for twice what i paid for the new. the owner loved it and now i kinda miss it. awesome cheap ratrod or patina piece.
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