Re: heater question and a dumb one
Once you get the switch cleaned/replaced, make sure you double-check the smoothness of the cable. This may be the reason why the lever will not move. It's not uncommon for them to slightly corrode and bind. A stuck cable is the main reason why you see heater controls with broken levers. The cable levers aren't that strong, and if you're trying to muscle the lever, it'll break.
You can replace the cable, or you can soak it in PB Blaster or Kroil. When everything is operating as it should, the levers should move with very little effort. Make sure you lube what the other end of the cable hooks to as well. Some of the flapper doors can bind up too, a shot of PB to free them up and then a little spray grease to keep 'em lubed makes a big difference.
If you want to study up on the operating functions and switchology of the heater and A/C system, the factory manuals are excellent, especially the Factory Accessory manual. It shows the cable layouts and breaks down the full functionality of each switch.