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Old 01-18-2013, 10:44 AM   #8
Just a nother gear head
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Posts: 501
Re: 4x4 two 2 wheel drive????

Its not to hard at all. find a 2wd truck and swap out the parts. you will need to drill a few holes in the frame for the front cross memeber and maybe a few in the rear for cross members and such. also will have to fab upper spring mounts as the frames are different. then swap trans out.
But why do it? becuase there is alot more 4wd's then 2wd's and a lowerd 2wd looks sweet. plus if your not into 4x4 why have something you dont like, convert it. its all in what you like.
2013 HD FLHX
2000 chevy 2500 6.0l 4x4 3dr
2000 harley fxdx
71 Jimmy 4x4- future crawler/ woods rig
71 blazer (C4 2wd conv project)
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