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Old 01-18-2013, 07:59 PM   #14
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Re: What do you think I should do?

Originally Posted by rs74 View Post
If, and a BIG IF I get it back I would take everything off that had anything to do with being a brish truck. When I first bought it I had thoughts of restoring it back to its former glory but that would be alot of work. I just want an old heavy truck to do some work when I need it. We was in the middle of building our house and funds were running low and I had just got laid off so I had to sell it.

I can remember hearing it when I was a little kid. You could hear the little 283 just screaming before you even seen the truck. Alot of truck for a 283.
That was the main question I had. If you don't care about the fire stuff, and don't have to have that particular truck, I'd keep looking. Around here anyway $4600 could buy you a lot of 60-66 truck for the money. You've already got the K30 running gear.
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