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Old 01-20-2013, 02:09 AM   #198
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Re: Chucks 72 Cheyenne Custom Camper

Hahaha. Get a cool plug Matt.
Well today was the day that a bunch of great guys showed up to help me on my trucks. Tonto had his power steering box surgically removed by Josh and Himey. The lines were so old and froze up with rust that the lines just started twisting. I have new lines ordered. I'll get the replacement box and lines on some time next week. Bryan and Jeff and I got the replacement rotors and brake pads on too. I hope it stops better as I had to almost stand on it one day last week to keep from hitting a car.
Thanks again all you guys for showing up and working on my trucks. I look forward to working on your trucks too. Heres some pics.
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