Originally Posted by beonkey
Mine is almost done now (the conversion) and the only advice I can give is buy an air hammer to start! I grinder, chiseled and punched all of the rivets out and would have been a lot further with a air hammer. They fought me the whole way. I'm will post details someday, but try to spend free time finishing it.
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I tried the air hammer stuff with mine and accually had better luck with grinders and a punch.. Both my air hammer just didn't like how hard those rivets are. They may not be of the top quality but they aren't bottom bargains either.

I used a 4.5" disc hand grinder to hog most the rivet head off and then a sanding disc of 80 grit then a 120 to smooth it out flush and not gouge into the parts I aimed to keep. Then I would take my punch that is about half the diameter of the rivet and wack it hard with a heavy hammer... There were a few that went real well like that. But most like you said, were fought the whole way. And even a few just wouldn't budge due to the holes not matching up well when they squashed the rivet in. So I ended up drilling the rivet in the center so the sidewalls were thin and could collaps as I punch and hammered them out. Lots of work, but not very hard.