Yeah so it is actually considered an "F-series" truck instead of a Low Cab Forward (due to being a GMC) but it is obviously more commonly known as a LCF.
I've had my eye on this jewel for going on three years now. Came across it on an old back road while test driving a repair on a truck I had made. Stopped and talked to the owner and he said he just sold it to some dude in Australia.
I drove by it several times in the past couple of years, and it never left. Fast forward to the first week in December 2012. I recognized a car that he had on craigslist and called the number. He said the Australian never came through with the cash so i made him an offer and he took it.
I hooked up the trailer and had it home within a couple of hours:
It set in the shop for three weeks until I could get a handle on a frame. I always wanted a diesel hot rod (i'm kind of a cummins nut) so i finally laid my hands on a 02 dodge dually quadcab longbed 2wd frame. I threw in a 12 valve p-pumped cummins i had laying in my shop in it with a 47rh trans.
Started stripping the sheet metal off of the front of the truck so i could get the cab off:
Kind of skipping a few steps here, didn't take the time to take a whole lot of pics:
The majority of the engine is actually in the cab. 1 & 2 cylinders are under the hood and the other four are actually through the floor board.
I got all the sheet metal hung yesterday and worked on the steering column today. I'll try to take some more pics of the sheet metal mounts and steering linkage sometime. Up next is mounting the brake booster/master cylinder and building a new dog house.