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Old 01-20-2013, 11:30 PM   #6
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Re: '56 GMC LCF Cummins Diesel

Thanks guys! I do love my shop, I'm very fortunate to be in a position to be able to have my name on the title.

Anyways the plan for the back half is a dump bed. I have the setup to run a pto off of a dodge automatic (dodge 23 spline np205 t-case with pto access due to the fact the 47rh has no pto plate) I have the transfer case and I have the pto pump for the 205, along with the bed and sissor lift.

I may just run it as a flat bed for now, with all i'll have to do later is slide in the hoist due to time constrant.

I want to keep it as ratty looking as possible but I'm not sold on the white looking paint. The interior is a two tone green, so would like to tie that into a patina look on the exterior. Any suggestions??
'57 Chevy Pickup
'56 GMC LCF Cummins
'38 Chrysler Royal
'57 2wd change
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