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Old 01-22-2013, 10:17 AM   #9
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Re: Wiper Motor Gasket Help

Originally Posted by GMCPaul View Post
Whoever sold you guys a rubber windshield wiper motor seal has done you a disservice as the rubber seal will quickly dry out crack & shrink from the underhood temps they become subjected to leading them to leak. The wiper motor seals should be a fiberous type seal thats impregnated with a tar like substance as the fiboruos portion is designed to withstand the high temps in the area of the wiper motor and the tar like substance its impregnated with is designed to seal it to the firewall & motor. Those rubber seals generally crack within the 1st year of use leading to air & water leaks.
Paul Jr @ GMCPauls
I know it's not pure rubber, I said it was rubber like because that's the closest thing I could think of. I don't know what it's actually made of, but it was black and a little sticky and I could see some fibers running through it on one side. It came in a sealed bag. It wasn't as sticky as the original one I pulled out, but I assume that's because it's been on there for 45 years. I got mine from Brothers. I'm hoping this is what you are describing and it lasts at least as long as the original.

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