Thread: 4 link and bags
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Old 01-23-2013, 11:38 AM   #1
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4 link and bags

Ok guys I've been roaming the sight and it seems like the suspension threads about bags are all 67-72 trucks. Are there any threads with squares or am i just missing threads. Don't get me wrong i love checking out the older truck but the suspension is a little different than the square body. Basically what im trying to say is i recently purchased 4 link and bags for my 86 to try to smooth out the ride of it, i plan on installing it myself and was wondering if anyone out there had a thread of them doing the same. I'm just trying to further my knowledge before i tear into my truck, and tricks or tips you guys could share would be greatly be appreciated. I plan on starting a build thread when i get started. Thanks in advance for any help.
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