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Old 01-23-2013, 10:48 PM   #1
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Need sandblasting 101

Okay I need some info here. How small of a blaster can I get by with to do a frame, panels and such. I was just going to try to get by cheap since this isnt something I will use all the time otherwise I might spend a little more. I have been looking at a little 110lb unit from Harbor Freight. How big of a compressor do I need to keep up with the blaster.

What kind of media is the best to use or does it depend on if I am doing a frame or panels. I know a guy who does this but haven't called to see how much yet. I would kind of like to try this myself. Is there any kind of special tooling that I should be looking at getting. Also if you have your own setup then show us what you use.
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