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Old 01-26-2013, 11:58 PM   #4
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Location: Pueblo, CO
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Re: Calling all Colorado users!

The emissions laws aren't that tough on an 82. If I remember right they have to pass at the standards for the year of manufacture, not todays. Visual inspection means you got to have all the emissions stuff there for what it would have been equipped with. Back then, cat/convertor, pcv, evaporative system and possibly air pump. Evergreen is part of Jefferson county which is part of the front range that requires testing.

A good running, well tuned engine can easily pass emissions. Heck I could get my 2 quart a week oil burning 307 to pass in my Nova at the 1969 standard. It can be done. Registering it in another county is an option, but careful if you happen to get pulled over by the police for anything and your address on your licence and registration differ. They tend to frown on that kind of thing.
Rob Z.
1975 K5 350/465/205/D44/12b 4" lift on 35's- RIP
1991 K5 8.1L/NV4500/241/D44/14b FWC Camper
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