Originally Posted by VA72C10
Nice detailed writeup!!! Great info for others considering a purchase!
Thanks. That's what I had in mind when I began collecting all this cost info.
Originally Posted by treveiger
It adds up fast don't it! But the crazy thing is the list to do adds up faster
Posted via Mobile Device
There are so many temptations out there luring one to do this and that to a truck. Thankfully I'm older (for sure) and wiser (I hope) and I've learned to keep my wish list in sync with my budget.
Originally Posted by thirdstreettito
That is a great total cost Jim! I was expecting more like $5,000. You've done real well doing it all yourself.  Good job!
It does add up, no doubt about it. I think I got a good return in both job satisfaction and being able to drive this unique vehicle. Thanks for the compliment.