Originally Posted by John Gilbert
Hey Ryan, good to hear from you! In case you guys didn't know Ryan took over editing Custom Classic Trucks when I retired.
I've got a fence, a $40,000 Taco Bell block wall all the way around my property. This isn't going to be enough though because the city lady told me they are now going to use aerial photos to patrol folks property.
Like it or not guys, this is a preview of what's going to happen nationwide. This is why we all need to get behind initiating SEMA's Pro-Hobbiest inoperable vehicle law in the state we live in.
By the way I am not the model of what someone's yard should look like to please the most discerning nosy neighbor yard Nazi. I'm scrambling as fast as I can to get a handle on this situation.
You've got to be kidding me!!!! Aerial photos to "patrol" people's own property?! I think thats a huge violation of privacy. I'd have a big middle finger cut into my lawn out back

Thats why I don't live in California either.