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Old 02-01-2013, 03:25 PM   #12
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Re: Finding a fan shroud

Originally Posted by 61K10 View Post
so what are the specs on your top radiator hose? brand?
Well, that is interesting. I went to O'reilley's first, knowing that my '72 looks like a very similar setup, but the hose they had for the '72 didn't quite work. It kinked when put on, and there wasn't enough rubber before the bend where I would have needed to trim in order to trim it and make it work. I tried several hoses, not being able to drive the truck to the store. One issue was that the inlet to the radiator has a different diameter hole than the thermostat housing, so I either needed a larger diameter hose and clamp it down or find a small one that would be soft enough to expand over the radiator inlet.

Ultimately, I ended up finding a hose that worked from Autozone. Interestingly, the one that worked was for a '72 half ton pickup, but it was bent quite differently from the O'reilly one. Also, unlike the o'reilly one, the autozone one was made with much softer rubber, so I was able to stretch it around the radiator inlet.

So, the short answer is, I got a '72 half ton pickup hose from Autozone.
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