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Old 02-02-2013, 12:06 AM   #41
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Re: anyone swicth a BBW cab to the small back window?

Like I said the carpet hides everything.
At the time I wasn't trying to take many pictures, sorry.
I didn't ever take any pictures of the seats going in.
But I know others have used our seats, on here..
You could possibly get a thread going and see if anyone is in the process now or took some pictures...
It's a stretch but on here anything is possible, these guys make things so much easier!
Give it a shot! I know there was a thread on " let's see your seats" I think was the title...
So fire a thread off a see what you can find out!
Sorry, but we're not the only ones with these maybe you'll get lucky!
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People who make excuses didn't want to do it in the first place!
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