These are WARN 4xFlares. They’re alright but I plan to probably use Bushwacker or Xenon’s for the Polar Bear Suburban, although I do like the way the WARN flares have a built in mud flap of sorts. The downside to the WARN flares is they are made of hard plastic and warp easy.
When clean and after color matching the flares and Rhino Lining to the camper
When dirty
Before color matching the flares to the Rhino Lining
Not my rig, but one of the few pics floating around the net of the new Bushwacker non-Cut-Out flares available for old GM rigs. I like the flat lip at the wheel opening as it mimics the stock fenders. It is a tossup between these or the Xenon’s for the Burb. As much as I dig the looks of the Bushwacker Cut-Out flares I don't see the point in cutting up a perfectly clean rust free old truck that is still wearing its OEM sheet metal for the sake of adding a neat looking flare. If I had LMC Taiwanese repop fenders that might be a different story.