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Old 02-02-2013, 08:17 AM   #40
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Re: Dealer step bumpers

Originally Posted by Minesinger View Post
I just bought this truck and was researching the bumper. Thought it would fit here. I've not found any exactly like it, but I'm pretty sure it's original dealer equipment. ?? Looks like the hitch has been added/modified.

I'd really like to see some more pics of this bumper and how it fits around the fenders. I'm looking at a very similar (if not identical) one out here in a couple of weeks and would love to know what I'm looking at. I was thinking that it would be kinda cool on the '63. The seller says it's off of a '59 Chevy. I'm wondering if it will even fit the '63 stepsides? Is there a mfg. name on it? Thanks, Chris

'63 k15 long step
Vortec 7.4 - L29 Blackbear tune, Five 0 Motorsports injectors, Chris Straub Cam, NV4500, divorced 205
52" front and 63" rear spring swap
D44 / 14bff - disc axles
Milemarker 9K and 10.5K hydraulic winches

63" & B52 Spring Install

NV4500 Reverse Build Thread

L29 - 7.4 Vortec Build
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