I've driven from here to Winnipeg and from here to Washington. You can hardly believe what a drive it would be all of the way hauling a box on a trailer. It cost me 500 bucks in hotels, gas and trailer rental just to get a box and frame back from northern Manitoba about 300 miles away. If you had your own trailer ( a sled trailer would work good for a box) or piggy backed the box on a pickup it would save a bit but gas and lodging are the killers. SWB boxes are non-existant up here on the prairies. The one I had a month back was not real nice but was solid from the body lines up and had a rusty metal floor. I got 500 from the first guy that looked at it. I am still getting calls on it. Goodmark bedsides are real good option when all things are considered.
I haven't talked to him lately but anticipate he will be showing up with a good LWB bed for me soon and will find out about the sway bar then.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Last edited by StingRay; 11-03-2003 at 02:24 PM.