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Old 02-02-2013, 12:12 PM   #19
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Re: Thoughts on 3.08 rear w/ lsx

Originally Posted by see ten View Post
I literally just walked back in the door from my first trip with my 5.3/4L60e. I have a 3.08 gear and a 27.8" tall tire. I drove 120 miles through the foothills/mountains of north georgia as well as through friday evening traffic of a couple small towns (stop and go). I shoot for keeping the speed no more then 10mph over the posted limit... But the first third of the trip I kept catching myself running 70+mph in 55 zones... Did better as I got used to the throttle and the "sound". So most of the trip was ran between 55-65 mph. Pulled 20.8 mpg.
I still haven't driven this setup enough yet to have all the bugs worked out just yet. Electric fan temp is still set up for the old first gen small block... probably needs raised a bit. CEL came on when I had the o2 senors repositioned last week... it's still on... not sure what's going on there yet... but. maybe my mpg will increase... maybe it'll get worse. Who knows.
Great info, Keep me posted if ya could!!!!!
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