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Old 02-02-2013, 08:21 PM   #2
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Re: 55 Wagon Progress

Got to trimming the fenders, little to no gaps....

Used the new ER70S-7 wire. Looks to me like it lays out a bit flatter...

Used the crowned hammer to planish the welds. This stuff appears to planish out a bit easier as well.

After planishing, 1/16" wide cutoff wheel used perpendicular to the weld for grinding the welds with minimal contact patch and less heat buildup. Ground welds just proud of the metal surface, front and back, to make room for planishing the next set of weld dots. Then rather than weld the next dots in the middle, I overlapped each of the previous welds to help eliminate missed spots and pinholes. Weld, planish, grind, repeat.

Then I got on a roll and missed some in process pics, but here is the result after dressing out all the welds...

Back side....

Yeah, I like this much better....

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