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Old 02-02-2013, 08:32 PM   #4
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Re: 55 Wagon Progress

I was going to start the shave on the driver's side this afternoon, but a few stumbling blocks along the way...

Mocked up all the front sheet metal just to see it together again.. Gotta love that hood bird..

Here's the factory seam to compare to the shaved version...

Bumper filler panel had been tweaked at some point in the past 50 years, so let's see what we can do to straighten it out some....

Used a combination of the flat and crowned body hammers, the donut dolly, the 5" dia shot bag, and a round hunk of steel.

Much better...

Next on the list before the next shave, a bit more rust to attend to...

Used a wide sweeping radius on the cut to minimize any extra shrinking that occurs inside tight corners.

To get a good, consistent profile on the patch, I used the go kart wheel...

Laying out the pattern..

One last test fit before tipping the flange...

Dumb mistake number one....don't cut the patch so small you can't get leverage to force the flange to tip...

Well, we do have a good crease to work from now. Some hammering on the 2" round anvil will work

Trimmed to fit...

Welded and dressed...

Hey...the light even fits

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