Thread: New Toy!!!
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Old 02-03-2013, 10:58 AM   #16
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Re: New Toy!!!

It can better clean the passages it the plugs are out, you are gonna replace them anyway so why not. It is best to take it as a bare block and heads, bare as in everything possible removed. Typically I will strip and inspect before I send it to machine shop, no reason to send them junk whether I am paying or using a favor. Anything that is to be replaced, ie lifters, rings, bearings, oil pump, timing chain and gears, freeze plugs, etc. go straight to the scrap bin.

I have on occasion left the heads assembled if I was just cleaning them but then I disassembled for clean up to get ALL the chemical out of everything.

I rebuild is a serious tear down, cleaning, machining and replacement of any wear part or questionable hard part. To build a 383 with 400+ horses it will be some serious work. I would not start until I was prepared to finsih (have the money ready), machining a block and sitting it in the corner is not a good idea.
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