Re: New Toy!!!
After reading this it sounded a little rough so let me clarify I don't mean anything by it but I think it needs to be sounds:
I would not reuse them in a build, but I would also not tear down a fresh build. Was it a fresh build or just someone put fresh bearings in an old engine? Are those the parts in the pictures above? Was the block prepped or just had plugs knocked in it. The pistons obviously are old, where are the new bearings? Is it just the cam bearings? Has it been assembled since the pictures?
I think you need to decide what you want to do, you started out stating the desire to build a stroker, then added 450 hp for 5k, now just assemble an engine for the experience. Do you want it to be a fresh engine when you are done or just a training tool (serious question not being smart). There is nothing wrong with building an engine for experience but to get the full experience I would do it right, not to mention that when you are done you will have a serviceable engine that you can either use or maybe get at least your money back out of.
Pick a point on the horizon and we will help you get there, but be realistic with all the aspects of it.