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Old 02-05-2013, 09:51 PM   #1
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Posts: 27
A/C this normal?

I've got an a/c question for yall this evening. Over the weekend I redid the a/c on my '82 dually with a reman A6 (huge!) compressor. The a/c cools very good but when the compressor kicks on I can feel it loading the engine when driving down the road. I've driven lots of square body styled chevy trucks & suburbans over the years, unfortunately none of them had working a/c to compare the operation to. The truck doesn't loose speed but you can definitely feel it engage/disengage when driving at highway speed.

Is this normal on these trucks? Or is the reman compressor screwed up?

I have put probably 50 miles on it so far w/no change in this feeling or cooling (still blowing really cold).

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