Thread: Bolt on efi?
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Old 02-06-2013, 12:08 PM   #25
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Re: Bolt on efi?

Originally Posted by Rich84 View Post
I wonder what you do if you already have a good 700r..What do you do to control lockup??
I sent him an email asking a couple of questions, but never heard back from him...Really interested in this upgrade as it seems the weak link in the tpi is the "buggy" computer. My understanding is that the tpi sensors work fine with the ls, it's the conectors that are different. I have a spare tpi harness. I wonder if I were to get a donor ls computer and harness and swap in the tpi connectors, along with the crank sensor etc...etc.. Just thinking out loud..
Its very possible. 01-02 Express vans used the 12200411 LS computer to run a Vortec 350 with distributor, etc. So you would just use a Express van calibration, and all the Vortec parts. Seems easy enough.

Many of the LS sensors have not changed since the TPI days, such as the IAT, for example. Which simplifies the conversion even more.

As for wiring up a 700R4. I googled a bit and most people said the LS PCM cannot control the 700R4. You may want to look around a bit more.
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