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Old 02-06-2013, 03:22 PM   #5
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Re: 1982 dash guages info

Originally Posted by ozbowhunter
without sounding stupid how do i tell the difference ?
Normally, you'd just look for the presence of factory gauges (instead of "GEN", "TEMP", and "OIL" warning lights) over on the left side of the cluster. But after re-reading your original post about the dash having been cut up and fitted with aftermarket gauges, I can see where this might be hard to tell. Can you post a pic or two of the old cluster?

Originally Posted by ozbowhunter
and if i have to repin is there a guide anywhere ?
The info in this thread should help -->

It's about going from a warning light cluster to a factory gauge/tach cluster but the same info applies to the gauge/clock cluster as well.

With the info in that thread, you could take a look at the pinout of your truck's cluster plug and compare it to the factory diagrams and/or the ones motornut posted to see how your truck is currently wired ... and whether or not it even needs to be changed.

I also noticed in your original post where you said:
Originally Posted by ozbowhunter
one bulb fitting is missing at the bottom of the speedo does this need a special fitting t oget lights working ?
Below the speedometer is usually just an indicator light for 4-wheel drive and/or electric choke. A missing bulb holder (or burned out bulb) on these clusters will only affect that individual location and not the rest of the lights.
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