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Old 02-06-2013, 09:42 PM   #8
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Re: 1982 dash guages info

Start by checking to make sure you have good grounds on the black wires that should be going to pins 3, 8, and 10. All sorts of strange things can happen with the cluster lights and gauges if there is a bad ground at any one of those pins.

I believe the pin-out stayed the same from 1978 up on this body style of trucks but GM changed the color coding on some of the wires sometime in the late 70's or very early 80's. What you posted seems to correspond with those changes. I'm guessing that you're looking at a slightly older year wiring diagram (I don't think hatzie has one scanned specifically for 82 in that link in the other thread I posted).

The gauge cluster pin-out and wire color code in your 82 should be:

pin1 = light green = headlight high beam indicator
pin2 = gray = cluster illumination lights
pin3 = black = ground
pin4 = pink w/black stripe = +12V switched ignition feed
pin5 = tan = oil pressure gauge sender
pin6 = pink w/black stripe = +12V switched ignition feed
pin7 = pink = fuel gauge sender
pin8 = black = ground
pin9 = dark green = temperature gauge sender
pin10 = black = ground
pin11 = light blue = LH turn indicator
pin12 = dark blue = RH turn indicator
pin13 = yellow = seat belt indicator
pin14 is empty
pin15 = dark blue = Choke indicator (this wire might not be present on all trucks)
pin16 = pink w/black stripe = +12V switched ignition feed
pin17 = tan w/white stripe = brake indicator
pin18 = pink = fuel gauge sender

Pins 7 and 18 are both wired together (one of those double wires on pin 18 loops back to 7). They did that so the same cluster plug will work with both the gauge cluster that has the big fuel gauge next to the speedometer and the tach/gauge clusters that have the small fuel gauge over where your new cluster has the clock.

The two wires going into the pin 17 brake indicator are because the indicator is dual purpose ... one wire leads to a pressure warning switch on the proportioning valve and the other wire leads to a switch on the parking brake ... so either one of them can make that brake light come on by grounding the tan/white wire.

Last edited by ray_mcavoy; 02-06-2013 at 09:50 PM.
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