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Old 02-09-2013, 12:01 PM   #1
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TH350 and PCV Line

The PCV valve on my 250 6-cylinder isn't hooked up to the manifold, it just has a long tube hanging from it that doesn't connect to anything. Instead, the TH350's vacuum line is hooked up to the manifold. I have few questions ...

1. Because the PCV valve doesn't have vacuum, could it be contributing to the engine's oil leaks?
2. Can the transmission and the PCV share the manifold vac fitting? If yes, what's the cleanest looking way to split?
3. If the PCV and trans share the vacuum fitting, will there be an issue if I add a brake booster later on?

I checked my Rochester B and unfortunately there's isn't an extra vacuum valve.
My truck ain't dead, it just smells funny.
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