Originally Posted by 68350
Ok im getting upset with this, heres my problem. 496 with a holley 750 dp. Has fuel all the eay to carb. Filter stays full. Will not start unless you pour gas in the front bowls or starting fluid. Has msd hei set at 36 advanced and no vacuum advance. Its always been kind of a pig to start, but now wont start at all on its own. Suggestions? Engine builder isnt available until monday...
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sounds like your fuel levels in the fuel bowls arent adjusted properly.
there should be two sight screws on the passenger side of the carb. undo the screws and gently rock on the truck. if your fuel level is correct, a little bit of fuel will trickle out.
check to make sure your needle and seats arent stuck open. you might also have to check your accelerator pump arm adjustment.