I have a 2000 Z71 Tahoe that is the old style version with the 350 Vortec motor. My daughters use it for College and they came home one night and it wouldn't start after a few hours. It wouldn't crank over and the battery was dead. I bought a Napa select 800CCA battery and NEW starter. Installed both and it just clickes. I have good voltage at the starter and it engages the flywheel but won't rotate the crankshaft. I was thinking the motor is seized up. The crank fuse is good. 150,000 miles but the truck looks like its new.
Any ideas on this problem?? What year motors interchange with the 2000 Vortec?? I know it was the last year for the 350 C.I. engine. Any help would be great. I am Disabled Veteran and am NOT looking forward to pulling a motor and putting in a replacement engine.
Thanks guys in advance,