Thread: #*%^!/# napa
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Old 02-12-2013, 04:06 AM   #16
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Re: #*%^!/# napa

I guess it centers on what you like and what you believe in. The NAPA in my town has a good group of people at the desk, and even though their process is just as F*&$ed up as the OReally guys and the Autozoners, that the computer is the Hamburger joint process. Many of the kids of today, you all know them-- many of them are from your loins, don't know a freeze plug from a corvair radiator; use the computers to get to some knowledge point so that they can at least walk to the back and find the right shelf area. The real problem is that there is no criteria of a knowledge level for job employment. The federal gubament makes that part hard, due to discrimination laws and what they can do to you if you don't hire them. There are stores that have a good staff of wrenchers and they can tell you what you want right off the bat. However for the most part it takes a person that cares about his job and for what they pay a counter guy, he can't care to much. We have all the stores in my area, NAPA, O Reillys, Autozone, and Carquest, thee out of all of them has kids at the counter and they have to use the computer to find parts.

I prefer the NAPA, due to the fact that the parts from it may look like the ones down the street at the others, they seem to last longer when I get the premium part. Don't ask me why, but they do. Maybe the rebuild shop put them out the front door, instead of the back. I believe you get what you pay for.

The ones that argue with you, for the most part are screwing with your mind more than anything--don't show them that they are getting to you and they will stop.

Next time don't throw the box away and expect the process to see it your way, just my .02 worth. Hate me for that if you must, but I ran a Farm parts outlet for several years and there were days where the guy BEHIND the counter is just as pissed at the person on the public side of the counter, as the buyer is at the guy behind the counter. I have actually had to tell people that their business was best being provided to my competitor.
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