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Old 02-12-2013, 10:24 PM   #4
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Re: 76 blazer interior questions.

The 77 I am restoring has the male end of the seat belt that does appear to be the same as a truck (just a lap belt though), but I am not sure the female end is the same. I seem to remember that the trucks just had a belt by itself and not the hard plastic case surrounding it for a Blazer bucket.
The funny thing is that mine is a Cheyenne and has the option for a shoulder belt too. It was not being used, but in a 79 I had many moons ago, the retractor part of the belt mounted to the rear panel just behind the front seat and then attached to the mount shown. Sorry, that is the only picture I could find!
The picture of the headliner is also from my 77, but I do know that some 76's had a headliner - maybe the Silverado and not the Cheyenne?
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