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Old 02-13-2013, 09:53 AM   #1
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After market door panels experience

I have been working on replacing my cab floor for a few days including the floor pans, inner and outer rockers and cab corners. I bought after market parts to put in. So far my experience is that there is very little that lines up properly and I am having to modify every aftermarket part to get it to fit properly which is chewing up a lot of time.

Yesterday I put my door back on the check the corner and rocker panel lines. Putting the door back on reminded me how much work I need to do on the doors. I am looking for original doors but most seem to have some level of rust problems. I have looked at the after market door skins and bottom replacement parts but am now very skeptical of how well they would work.

My question is whether anyone has bought aftermarket door skins or bottoms and what was the experience? If its anything like mine with the floors, I may be better off just spending the time on my existing doors and patching the metal where I have to.
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