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Old 02-13-2013, 08:59 PM   #5
Cluster King
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Re: Going to Fire it today!!!

Looks really nice. I know that feeling of firing it for the first time. After 30 years of doing it, it does not go away. It is exciting to hear something you built come to life.

Words of Advise:
Keep the fire extinguisher close by.

Check for leaks right away, especially fuel.

New and rebuilt engines, usually run hot for a while. Keep a close eye on the coolant and when the t-stat opens. I would run water in it until has went through some heat cycles. Then replace with the right mixture of anti freeze.

With a new cam you need to break it in, so run it a 2,000 rpm for at least 10 minutes.

And most important, Enjoy it.
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