Thread: It just quit
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Old 02-14-2013, 07:08 PM   #2
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Re: It just quit

start with the basics, air, spark, fuel.
air should be pretty obvious. -next lol

spark. i lean more this direction seeing how it completely shut off.
check the cond. of the coil wires. is it getting steady voltage?
distributer - how do the points look? or hei -hook up a dwell meter and make sure its not doing anything odd. check connections. also the main coil wire to cap. check the inside of the cap and rotor for any damage.

check the pressure, is it steady? getting enough psi? check your float levels again make sure that little valve isnt sticking. also check your fuel filter.

lots of little stuff but it should help narrow your search. hope this helps

68 Chevy Longhorn 350/400 factory posi
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