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Old 02-15-2013, 08:08 AM   #14
SS Tim
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Re: Please help me decide between these two trucks...

I can understand wanting to have a truck in hand but those two are just this side of junkyard refugees. It is going to take a lot of money that is not in your budget to bring them up to a driver level. If your powertrain is a drop in and drive that is a small consideration and one better reserved for an intact but engineless/dying engine project.

We are not exactly saying wait until the money is gone on other expenses, but to to make a smart informed purchase that gives you the best return on your money. Most of us have purchased projects with great intentions that are un or underfunded.

Now here are three quick pick trucks from the board classifieds that represent possible paths and likely reasonable purchases to consider. As you can see they all need a little and the cheapest needs a fair amount of rust repair, but it is a running driving truck!
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