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Old 02-15-2013, 09:47 AM   #15
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Re: Please help me decide between these two trucks...

Originally Posted by danheit View Post
Guys, this is all sound advice. My biggest issue here is that everyone suggest I hold off and save up for a nicer truck. There is no saving up. My truck money is what it is, nothing gets added to it. Only when I sell a toy and make a profit do I end up with more than I started with. I'm a single income household (police officer so I don't make much) with 2 kids in private school, mortgage, car payment, and more. All of my bills get paid, but I am essentially a paycheck to paycheck guy, like so many others out there. Saving is not an option, especially saving for hobbies and toys. Anything saved would go towards our actual "savings". That being said, I am leaning more towards the black truck, DEPENDING on the amt. of rust. For me, rust around the drip rail and the windshield frame is a deal breaker. Anything else I can fix. I am not looking for a show truck, just a driver. I have a JY across the hwy from me that has 5 72's, all with rust around the drip rails and windshield frame, but good firewalls, so that's an easy cut and replace. Rockers floors and corners I expect. It all depends on how it looks as a whole, but I'm feeling better about the 69 after sleeping a little on it. Today, we shall see!
I didn't suggest you hold off and save up. It sounded like your budget is $2,500. I suggested you find one for under $2,000 and then have one of us look at it and if it pans out, you can spend the rest of your budget (up to $2,500) on shipping. I wouldn't drive it back, if it is over 500 miles away. You could have some surprise repairs that could cost you money to fix right then so you can make it home

A few I found after a quick search

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Last edited by Mister-B; 02-15-2013 at 10:13 AM.
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