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Old 02-16-2013, 07:47 AM   #2
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Re: One person box and body lifts

Look into Autobody toolmart they have a bed thing that hooks to a cherry picker and goes ubder the rails of the bed and one man can operate it. I however am fortunate enough to have a two post lift in my shop and can drive the truck to the lift and raise the bed off of the truck and then set it on a bed dollie. On the 67-72 model trucks you can raise the bed from the underneath most others you have to use straps and go "X" style across the inside of the bed. It is very easy to remove a bed this way I have even done a hole subrban body the same way and reset it on another frame by myself, although I do like to have a helper or two as watchers on a job that size so as not to jack up[or mess up] anything. Autobody toolmart also will have a bed dollie to look for if you are looking for one of those as well they are made by the same company as the bed lifter. I made myself one out of a ladder rack that I took off of a wrecked Silverdo. I took off the end that goes over the cab and put wheels where the plates are that it mounted to the bed rail. It was on of the more costly ones with the siding tubs so it could be adjusted to different sized trucks and it makes a perfect bed or cab roll about I have had about 40 maybe fifty beds on it and while the are on it I don't just use it to hold them I also put on bedskins and other stuff of same kindand it is also handy where I can roll the bed into the paint booth to prime up the side or section or whatever. Sorry to ramble
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