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Old 02-17-2013, 02:18 PM   #169
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Re: 1968 Chevrolet SWB Stepside Restomod

First order of business was to draw the liner tube back into place using the installer tool. With this done, the threaded retainer for mounting the tilt pivot assembly was inserted. To do this, you have to first rotate the cast aluminum housing all the way clockwise and insert the ear on the ring as far left as possible. Then rotate the housing counter clockwise while working the retaining ring into the slots. A bit tricky, but with a little patience, it will drop right into place. Just don't forget the wavy tensioning washer behind it! Speaking of forgetting a step, before you draw the inner liner tube into the cast housing is a good time to route the wiring. We didn't, so later on we had to use a pin removal tool to separate the wiring from the plug in order for it to fit thru the housing. Duh!
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