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Old 02-17-2013, 02:51 PM   #171
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Re: 1968 Chevrolet SWB Stepside Restomod

Once the pivot pins are in place, the long tensioning spring and its retaining cap can be installed by pushing the spring in with considerable force and rotating the cap CCW. The fine thread nut was installed on the shaft and drawn up carefully until just the right amount of drag was present when turning the shaft and there was no play. With clean, re-packed bearings it felt smooth as silk.

All that's left to do at this point is to fit the signal canceling / hazard flasher assembly into the housing cover and bolt it into place. It's worth noting that the routing for the wiring is important and needs to go under the L shaped hook on the signal assembly so that it exits the housing in the correct location. We had to remove and reassemble the signal assembly several times to get the wires situated to where they didn't bind up. We also discovered that the signal assembly was made such that one of the mounting pads was too thick and caused the assembly to fit at an angle. We filed it down to match the length of the shoulder on the retaining bolt.

And one other caution... The retaining bolts are 12-24 and are three sided instead of round. As such, they act like a tap when going in and out of the hole threaded into the soft cast aluminum. Because the shoulder was unable to come in contact with the housing due to the aforementioned problem with the mounting pad, the threads on that hole stripped. Brian is currently tracking down a help-coil kit to repair the damage. Otherwise it would be a done deal right now.

Lastly, the recessed slot on the signal assembly where the turn signal lever mounts was too narrow. So we had to carefully sand a little off each side of the lever to get it to seat correctly. Those are some of the things we found during reassembly, so hopefully anyone that sees this will be forewarned.
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