Thread: Rear airbags
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Old 02-17-2013, 11:38 PM   #23
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Re: Rear airbags

Originally Posted by UKNOWME View Post
What advantage or disadvantage would I have vs AOL?
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Better ride since the bag "sees" more of a load than over the axle.

More lift because you are putting the bag further up the lever so you are getting more than a 1:1 lift ratio.

Airbags typically are rated for anywhere for 2500-2600lbs per bag. So two bags on the rear of a truck should be able to support 5000-5200lbs. As you increase the air in the bag the stiffer the bag is to handle the increase load rating. So a fully inflated bag while stiff as a brick should be able to support the 5000lbs. If you don't have 5000lbs to weigh it down your going to ride like a bucking bronco. So for a good ride you have about 2-4" of adjustability before the trucks starts to ride rough.

Now if you move it closer to the fulcrum point (closer to the front of the link bar) the bag will "see" more weight so it will allow you to inflate the bag with more air and still have the "cushiony" ride that everyone wants. As an example my Ranger had a bag on the lower bar and would get 15" on lift from a 6" bag. However because I had so small of a bag and it was leveraged so much if I had a few people sitting on the tailgate I could get no more than a inch or two of lift fully inflated. So depending on what you are going to use your truck for should dictate where your bag placement will be. If you plan on towing I would do air over axle. If you want to just cruise with it I would go further up on the lower bar.

I hope this explains it a little bit.. If not please just ask..
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