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Old 11-09-2003, 03:05 AM   #1
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Posts: 43
TH400 leaks...missing ring?

Well I finally got my truck running again, turned out to be a bad ignition switch and a bad wire.

Now I'm trying to fix the transmission leaks (TH400). I fixed all of the leaks besides where the gear lever/shifter goes in. I had the pan off and had that shifter shaft out trying to figure out why it was leaking. I put the pan back on and bought a new seal/ring, but it STILL leaks. So my question there only one seal where the shifter goes into the tranny? or should there be another? I'm thinking maybe one is missing because the tranny was rebuit, maybe it was forgotten. The only seal/ring that was there was one that had a metal casing on it, but to me it didn't seem like it would hold very well on it's own, and it doesn't. Anyone know if I'm missing a seal or doing something wrong?
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