Thread: Green trucks
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Old 02-19-2013, 04:13 PM   #114
Windy Corner of a Dirty Street
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Re: Green trucks

My junior year of High School (1990) I restored this '70 C10. I traded a TH400 for the truck body (it came to me without an engine). Wish I still had this truck and the others I fixed and sold over the years…

I actually had two trucks in HS. I still have the yellow '68 GMC (it had a '67 front clip on it back then). Took every thing I learned about body work on the C10 then painted the GMC for a second time in 1993 which is the paint the GMC it still wears today.

Wish I had a better picture of how it turned out after I painted it

Sold the C10 in the morning and bought a ’72 K5 that afternoon. Same color too! Man, that was a long time ago! I think it was 1992??

Last edited by DirtyLarry; 02-19-2013 at 04:24 PM.
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